Tips from the top – how to splash ‘n’ dash effectively for surfing and windsurfing
We’ve talked about this before but with daylight hours in short supply during the off season, Mother Nature dealing us small windows of opportunity due to her changeable moods and daily life conspiring against us it’s important we maximise our brine time when we get the green light. Here we offer up some simple tips for both surfing and windsurfing as examples of splash ‘n’ dash disciplines.Surfing
Have boards waxed and packed in your van the night before. If no van then make sure surfboard (s) are lashed to roof bars. The last thing you want to be doing is faffing around with straps as precious minutes slip by.
Have your wetsuit dry, open the right way round (not inside out) and within easy reach – same with booties, gloves and hood if needed.
Park as close to the beach as possible without getting a ticket.
Quickly assess the conditions (2 mins max – make a decision promptly) before de-robing and rubbering up.
Focus on your bottom half first. If alone then quickly whip off jeans/trousers/pants leaving socks on. Standing on a pre-prepared change mat slip bottom half of wetty over socked feet (socks make the process easier). If there are likely to be others around then consider a change robe to whip your kit off beneath. Alternatively carry out this process inside your van for those that have the option.
Keep clothes in a neat pile for your return when you need to scarpa quick smart.
Having donned your wetsuit it’s time to grab your board. Make sure your vehicle keys are put somewhere safe but easy to access for later.
Then RUN to the water’s edge, leash up and paddle out using the path of least resistance – rips for instance help here, as all experienced wave riders know.
Have all kit – boards and sails – packed and ready. Make sure fins and footstraps are in/on your board and all accessories are neatly stored the night before.
Arrive at beach and assess conditions quickly. You should already know what the forecast is and have made a loose decision about board/sail size – although don’t think you can’t deviate from your original plan if Mother Nature isn’t playing nicely.
For those with a van big enough you can keep some of your sails rigged inside (we know a certain someone who does this and it works well). If this isn’t an option makes sure your sails and associated components (boom, mast, extension etc) are all ready to go.
If you don’t have to rig then follow the same wetsuit tips as with surfing above. If you need to rig then be practised in the art. Know exactly how much downhaul to apply to your sails and have the same knowledge with all settings.
Get into your dry wetsuit as per above tips before grabbing harness and kit.
Leg it to the water, launch and go have fun.NCW’s windsurfing partner –