As a peddler of all things rubber, plus a bunch of other watersports toys, does this mean NCW’s social media feed should be a constant stream of rubber and neoprene? Absolutely not is our resolute answer!
Based in beautiful Cornwall we have stunning coastal views, awesome landscape vistas and a whole bunch of other interesting subjects to shoot – right down to macro grassy verges found down the numerous country lanes. This, to us, is much more interesting than ‘here’s another wetsuit’ pic. Although, if it’s worthy and something we need to shout about then we’ll also publish these type of images as well.
For the most part though, if you follow NCW on Instagram you be served plenty of Cornish flavours that’ll hopefully bring back memories from your last visit or give incentive to head on down when we all can again.
Check out NCW’s Instagram feed here and give us a follow. Don’t forget to also follow and tag #kernowknowledge as well!
Meanwhile, here’re a few Cornwall pics to get you in the mood.