If you’re an avid watersports nut then you need appropriate tools, and that stems from the actual kit to do the thing to all the peripheral products. In this instance, we’re talking about NCW’s waterproof key pouch which, in our opinion, is an essential item.
Gone are the days of hiding your keys under a wheel arch – that’s too obvious and any nefarious type will be very aware of this trick. You could bury your keys or hide them away from your vehicle. But that’s not ideal either. Far better is to keep them on your person in a waterproof pouch such as the one highlighted here.
Check out the video of it being tested in a bowl of water by our little helper.
Then hit up the following product link to nab your own or find out more.

Waterproof Electronic Key Bag / Pouch rate IPX8 100% waterproof
100% Waterproof electronic key bag / pouch for those of you with electronic remote locking cars, this item is a must. No more leaving your key behind your car wheel! IPX 8 rated.
100 % Waterproof Key Pouch For Electronic Car Key – now you can take your key for a surf with you without any worry.
• Made from tough EVA material and ultra-sound welded.
• IPX 8 rating – suitable for constant under water submersion for 30 minutes up to 3 meter seep (what are IPX ratings ?)
• Dimension: internal 9cm x 7cm approx. – great for electronic car keys
• Keeps out dust, sand, dirt and water too
• Has built in neck cord
• Ideal for surfing, kayaking, water skiing, snorkelling, fishing plus other outdoor sports.
Don’t trust your expensive key in a cheap bag. Take your key surfing with you now – don’t hide it in the sand or behind your car wheel anymore ! This is a very high quality item, laboratory tested too. No more worries about you key using this 100% waterproof electronic key bag.
Want to take your Smartphone in the water too – just follow this link to an IPX8 rate smartphone bag
Can’t afford to spend £22.95 ? we do have a low cost solution that is very popular and plunge proof. Great to keep inside your wetsuit while you but not IPX rate for long submersions if you are going swimming or similar. Great if you are out paddle boarding or kayaking or similar when you plan to spend most of your time not submerged and costing just £5.95 – take a look at our low cost plunge proof key bags.
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