As with wetsuits NCW has been beavering away in the back room with a bunch of clothing ideas. We’re constantly on the lookout for new products and gear to put on the shelves and hangers. Having sorted a small range of winter clothing we now have some fabulous tees ready to go for all seasons.
In particular the funky design below we’re super proud of (top middle and bottom right). This was created locally in Cornwall and has been applied to a selection of NCW long and short sleeve tees for both adults and kids. Also, our NCW take on the classic VW logo is shown via another creation. This graphic has been the subject of NCW stickers for a while and is now emblazoned across our t-shirts. Which are all organic we hasten to add.
Stay tuned for these appearing in NCW’s webshop asap! In the meantime scope them out in the pics below.

Check out more NCW clothing here.