Prone paddle board sleds are prime for a bit of pimping. When you’re a world champ paddler it’s always good to display your supporters’ logos on your sled. Some do it better than others, we have to say. NCW team rider Leigh Anderson is one who’s got it nailed!
We were recently sent these pics from Leigh as she was about to head out for a prone paddle board session. You can see how she’s accurately placed the NCW sticker/logo in the optimum place to compliment the same logo adorning here NCW wetsuit. Both on point positions for when the camera snaps!

Any team rider worth their salt would do the same. It’s pretty easy to accomplish. So we doff our cap to Leigh who’s one of NCW’s top ambassadors. Check out the gallery above. Then head over to Leigh’s NCW team rider page where you’ll find more info about her.