Understanding Waterborne Surf Skate adapters: standard Fin System vs. Dream surf skate truck

Waterborne Surf Skate adapters explainer.

In this video and article, we’ll be providing an informative overview breakdown of what sets the Waterborne Fin System surf skate adapter and Dream surf skate truck adapters apart. Helping you make an informed choice about which one might be best suited for your surf skating needs. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your surf skating experience, understanding the differences is key to maximizing your surf skating fun.

Waterborne standard Fin System Surf adapter – affordable, retrofit, quality.

In this section, we focus on the Waterborne Fin System Surf Adapter – a versatile accessory that transforms your ordinary skateboard into a surf skate machine. All in an affordable manner meaning getting into surf skating, or owning multiple surf skate setups won’t break the bank. There’s no more cost-effective way of surf skateboarding than purchasing a Waterborne surf skate adapter (or adapters)!

D Street Wilderness surf skate mod 2
The Waterborne Fin System surf skate adapter retrofits to any existing setup.

First off, we’ve got the standard Waterborne Surf Adapter that can be purchased just as a unit on its own. This adapter is designed to retrofit to any existing skateboard setup. To install it, you simply attach it to the bottom of your board, with your existing truck fitting seamlessly onto the adapter. The result? You end up with a surf skate sled straight off the bat! This provides an affordable and high-quality retrofit option for all surf skateboarding riders.

The Waterborne Fin System surf skate adapter benefits –

  • Super affordable
  • Retrofit to any existing setup
  • Infinitely customisable
  • Instant surf skate performance right out of the box.
  • Quick installation

Tune to your own personal preferences, endlessly!

One of the standout features of this adapter is the Fin System. This allows you to tune the amount of lean you experience according to your preferences. You can set it to standard, super carve, or mega pump depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Additionally, if you’re looking for an enhanced experience, you have the option to add a surf rail at the rear. The Waterborne surf rail fits snugly onto the back of your board and truck. The surf rail offers extra lean (around 30% more), providing efficient pumping at higher speeds – ideal for those looking to execute full rail turns and achieve that overall surf skate feel.

In summary, the Waterborne Standard Surf Adapter not only transforms your skateboard into a dynamic surf-inspired skateboard setup but also offers customisable features that enhance performance on various terrains.

Waterborne Skateboards DReam enabled longbiard surf skate.
Waterborne Skateboards Dream enabled longboard surf skate.

Waterborne Dream Surf Skate truck adapter

In this section, we’re spotlighting the Waterborne Dream Surf Adapter, which is designed to elevate your skateboarding experience significantly. This adapter is an advanced tech option compared to its counterpart, the Fin System Surf Adapter, and offers a range of benefits that enhance performance and control. Note: beginners will still be able to use the Dream surf skate truck no probs!

One of the standout features of the Dream Surf Adapter is its hanger positioning. By having the hanger a little further back, it provides a greater castor effect when compared to the standard Fin System adapter. In layman’s terms, this means you can achieve a cleaner turn with increased control and better overall handling. This performance boost is particularly noticeable when carving harder at higher speeds.

The rear part of the Dream system features the WB surf rail, which aligns with the RKP truck. Lean is increased by around 30% and offers full rail engagement along the whole length of your surf skate. The entire system operates harmoniously as one unit, making it one of the most efficient surf skate ‘tools’ available on the market today. The efficiency of this design allows skaters to enjoy a smooth and responsive ride with hyper-carving and pumping capability. Chuck in the Fin System for additional tuning and you’ve got yourself one hell of a customisable surf skating product that can be uniquely tailored to your own circumstances.

Waterborne Skateboards Dream surf truck (front & rear) #13
The Waterborne Dream surf skate system.

Waterborne Dream surf skate truck benefits –

  • Retrofit and even quicker installation
  • Lots of tuning options – option to swap out the truck hanger
  • A greater caster effect for more radical carving at higher speeds
  • Amazing pumping capability

Room to experiment and tinker.

Once you’ve installed your surf adapter, there’s plenty of room for experimentation. You can explore different trucks, wheels, and boards to discover your ideal configuration.

Moreover, when using the Dream Truck specifically, there’s an added layer of tuning capabilities available as well. You can remove the Waterborne RKP hanger and replace it with alternatives such as Paris or Caliber trucks. While both adapters offer tuning options, it’s worth noting that the standard Surf Adapter boasts the most extensive tuning capabilities overall.

In summary, if you’re seeking a performance increase in your skateboarding experience alongside customisable options for achieving your perfect ride setup, then the Waterborne Dream Surf Adapter is a fantastic choice.

Conclusion and recommendations

In conclusion, if you’re looking to get into surf skating, the Waterborne Fin System Surf Adapter is a fantastic starting point. This adapter allows you to test the waters and see how the surf skating experience suits you.

Whereas, seasoned riders will find the Fin System adapter gives so many options for tuning and customising you’re sure to find your ideal configuration. Or, alternatively, a constant way to alter performance depending on your style, mood, terrain and aspirations exists.

Surf skate kids
Waterborne surf skate adapters work great for kids getting into skateboarding.

Once you’re ready for yet more performance, the Waterborne Dream Surf Adapter is the next level. This adapter is all about achieving ultimate carves and pumping, at speed. It’s an excellent choice for riders who perhaps aren’t quite so obsessed with chopping and changing gear. But still want phenomenal surf skating feels and experiences.

For those interested in getting hold of this essential gear – including the Waterborne Dream Truck, Waterborne Living Water wheels, Taurus deck, and more – it can be found in the online shop. Don’t hesitate to explore these options as you embark on your surf skating journey! Equally, if you have any questions please get in touch with us.